Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Advertisement analysis

In this advertisement, there is a baby smoking a cigarette and decaying each second. At first, this ad might be a bit confusing for some because most people don't think of babies when they see or hear about cigarettes. However, after looking at the picture a little more in depth, it becomes clear the message being displayed. There are also different signs or symbols in this ad to help contribute to the message, which advertisers think carefully about.

First, the colors being used are a combination of bright and dark. The babies bright blue outfit and eyes show a sense of innocence. Babies don't know what is going on around them. They have no control in the actions others take and don't even understand the consequences, therefore being left helpless. There is also this dark atmosphere associated with it- the cigarette in mouth, smoke coming out, and rotting of the face- which bring in a feeling of disgust and torture. The combination of this innocence with bright colors and destruction of more dark appearance coincide with each other to create an ad that attracts the viewer but also puts this revolting image in our minds to think about.

Also, it is clear that the object is being shown directly, but the message is indirect. Seeing the cigarette, it is obvious that this ad is an anti-smoking ad with the phrase "I smoke second hand. warning: may kill your baby." Yet, seeing the baby shows that this ad is not directly towards adults or even smokers themselves but rather those around them. What adds to this image even more is by showing a baby instead of a teenager or pre-teen child because a baby has no way of helping themselves. They can voice their opinions or attempt to get away, where as a little older child can say something or potentially do something to help themselves if not the smoker. Also, by showing a baby who is brand new to this world, it leaves more sympathy towards the viewer and a sense of helplessness.

Overall, this advertisement portrays fear towards the viewer because of the decaying image and big print on the side. It is pretty much saying that "if you smoke, you are not just causing harm to yourself but potentially more harm to those around you." Second hand smoke can actually be more damaging than smoking yourself. Don't smoke unless you want to kill your baby, or others around you.

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