Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fear and fantasy advertisement

Three examples of fear advertisements are 1.) anti-smoking, 2.) texting while driving, and 3.) pollution/global warming.
1.) anti-smoking ads: 
     - This ad shows fear by producing an image of cigarettes as bullets in a gun. In this image, the viewer can clearly see that smoking is in turn killing your body. It's pretty much saying that if you choose to smoke, you are pulling a gun out ready to kill yourself because smoking causes nothing but damage to your physical health.

2.) texting while driving ads: 
     - This ad shows fear because it is an image of gravestones with the last words they said...or wrote. The text that is on the gravestone is also a happy tone and something that is not worth dying over. It just shows that it's becoming an epidemic in society and that teenagers are too consumed into social media at all times and are risking their lives for a couple words.

3.) pollution/global warming: 
     - This ad shows fear because there are two penguins together on a brink of ice trying to unplug the light which is killing them. It shows that human beings are killing precious creatures and outside life by doing little things that are so damaging to the earth.

Three examples of fantasy advertisements are 1.) skittles, 2.) red bull, and 3.) axe deodorant.
1.) skittles: 
     - This ad shows a fantasy because by giving a hypothesis of what could happen with skittles, there is this thought that someone would like that to happen and they could imagine the outcome. People think about the fact that their fists actually being "sour" and so it wouldn't hurt others to punch them. It can give a sense of happiness.

2.) red bull: 
     - This ad shows a fantasy because there is a picture of a can of red bull with wings, implying that if you drink red bull, then you will have wings too and fly. In other sense, you will be awake and ready to go. It could most likely be aimed towards teenagers because they tend to be sleepy from staying awake really late or use it to have more energy during school.

3.) axe deodorant: 
     - This ad shows a fantasy because it is telling guys that if they use axe, they will attract all the girls. For most guys, getting girls is their most proud moment. Perhaps, this ad would also attract guys that might not be all that attractive and so if they used it, girls will love his scent and want him. You can see in the picture that this guy who is using axe has a lot of girls in his bed with him, thus saying that he is almost a God-like figure all due to a smell.

1 comment:

  1. Where did the ad for texting and driving come from? I would like to cite it for a paper I am writing, Thank you
